why so mean?

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why so mean?

Post by BTwizy »

So Im watching this fish today, a big bass, and all he was doing was chasing all the little fish away from his area. It was pretty neat, He wouldnt bite anything(figures) but was VERY agressive with all the fish around him. Then while I was walking back to my car I seen 2 more bass doing the exact same thing. I was wondering what u guys thought about this behavior. Normaly when I see um close too shore there just swimming parallel to shore. Extremly agressive and they wernt eating these fish just chasin umm off.
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why so mean?

Post by MbBass »

Sounds to me that the water where you live is warm enuff for spawn. Sounds like they are gaurding a nest to me. The bluegill like to eat their eggs . Next time you go back look for a round bowl like shape just off waters edge. Put a lizard or creature bait and just dance it and twitch it around that nest. Thats why after they spawn and go thru post spawn they really go agro on the Bluegill. So think of those colors when you fish . Go weightless senko and start fishing along shore around 3 to 8 foot along shore line. Only thing is that most time they just pick it up and move it so watch line. The males will hit it harder a little easier to feel them. Hope this helps. I am sure someone else will have some answers for ya.
johnnie crain outdoors
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why so mean?

Post by johnnie crain outdoors »

bt, I'd say the fish was definately guarding a nest.As mentioned bass hate it when bluegill come near their nests, they do eat the eggs and sometimes even worse stir up silt that covers the eggs. I don't like to catch fish off nests, but some love it. It's too slow for me and I feel often the bass might abandon the nest of eggs if harassed too much. The best trick I know to catch nesting bass is to slip up close, cast a eggsinker rigged bluegill pattern crankbait right into the center of the nest. The egg sinker should be tied on before the crankbait. What this does is when the bass returns, you can let out a little line and the crankbait will float up a little, then crank it back down so that the bait looks to be feeding, then agin release the line, let the bait float up, then crank it down snug against the sinker agin, if you do this enough that fish will strike and the treble hooks nhave a much better cahnce of hooking the timid fish. Good luck, Johnnie
Johnnie Crain
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why so mean?

Post by BTwizy »

yea I wasnt really worried about catching these bass...I was wondering why I havnt been catching anything! Plus where I normally fish the carp are spawning. Its quite the sight..hundreds of umm swimming up and down the banks. I think they are pushing alota the fish out too.
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why so mean?

Post by MbBass »

I dont make a nesting bass my target either. Sometimes they happen to bite when something is close. But more times than not the male will hammer it first it seems like. But have a good one
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why so mean?

Post by BTwizy »

Thanks MbBass I find myself looking forward to your posts Any and all help is much appreciated. I mean come on its tough fishin out there especially from the shore! Oh and did u just get u a boat? I seen the river fishing but sadly i havnt much experience. Ive done alot of trout/catfish in rivers...A little diffrent from what you might be doing. One thing I do know the fish will set themselve up to let the currents bring them the food!
Posts: 185
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why so mean?

Post by MbBass »

Nah, no boat but i am workin on it. True on the current. Lately i have found huge bass real shallow in a little patch of shade in about 1 foot of water ! Gosh its hot.
Posts: 105
Joined: Tue May 06, 2008 3:36 pm

why so mean?

Post by BTwizy »

Yeah u know it hot when the fish r look for shade too!
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