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Hooking Worms Wacky With a Twist

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 1:59 am
by flowshow67
When hooking worms, try placing the hook through the middle and push the worm up the side of the hook. Then put the hook back another part of the worm so the hook is not sticking out. Bass love this because as it sinks in the water it moves from side to side and when jigging it, it also moves very funky. It is perfect for fishing weeds, timber, or lilly pads because it does not pick up many weeds because of the buried hook. I suggest giving this a good try.

Hooking Worms Wacky With a Twist

Posted: Sat Sep 18, 2010 4:04 am
hey ive got another idea for you to try on your wacky worm. take your hook and a silver colorado blade and hook it to a barrel swivel.then slide it over the barb and put your favorite worm on it. gives it some flash and bulk.

Hooking Worms Wacky With a Twist

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 12:59 am
by SpoonMinnow
Thanks for the ideas.

Here's one:
Instead of using an O-ring, put spots of super glue on the two sides where the hook will go. Toughens the plastic, won't affect action plus less lures lost to fish or after multiple casts.