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An evening on the water

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 3:04 am
by ukey28
After getting a phone call late Wednesday afternoon and clearing it with all members of the family, I met up with Longcast for a quick Night Trip on HIS lake. We fished out of a typical Long Island small water boat.

It was dusk when we hit the water. We hit the bank to start and I was amazed at the weed growth. The lake is crystal clear and has weeds about 6" under the surface throughout its 35 acres. Longcast scored first with this half pounder on a fluke. His scale said 3 something but it adds like obama's press guy when he discusses how many jobs the stimulus payments created. That and the fact that I'm writing this post gives me the right to put the TRUE weight of the fish in print.

A little later he caught another about 6 ounces I'd say, also on a fluke.

Look how happy he is! He caught TWO fish already!! At this point I understood that he was leaving it up to me to salvage the night, meaning I had my work cut out for me. He then began a Front-ending campaign the likes of nothing ever seen on Ultimate Match Fishing. He would swing the bow close to cover, pitch his lure and then swing the bow to the right cutting off all of the open water to that side. He only cast perpendicular to the boat leaving me with about 2 " of open water to cast too. It was at this point that I put a spinnerbait shaped Tramp Stamp on him with a side arm cast. I thought I hit his leaning post seat, but I missed it and got him in the back. After a while he got up from the floor and quit squealing and whining. From then on I had plenty of open water. Considering the last time we went out at night I fell and broke one of his rods and bent the handle of his new curado, you would think he would get the hint and leave me some water to fish!! Anyway, I finally caught the lunker for the night, an easy 11 pounder!!

As you can see the camera shaves about 10 pounds off of every good fish. I wanted to do a nice photo essay like Geo does so I took a picture of the lake when we were leaving so you could enjoy the scenery too!

Beautiful isn't it. Here's a shot of the ramp.

All in all it was a good night. We had 8 fish in 3 hours, Longcast had 5 chunky keepers and I had the 2 monsters and a dink. The mosquitos were ravenous and we didn't bring any beer. Left the wives home though. Hope you enjoyed our fishing trip.

An evening on the water

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:46 pm
by Longcast
His photo essay is somewhat accurate regarding our fishing trip. For anyone who wants to know, my tramp stamp has continued to change colors. Today is more of a yellow green, with some blue shades in the middle. Real pretty. As far as the boat positioning, I gave him more than ample shots at some prime water. Every time I lined him up, he would cast and his reel made a horrible dying animal sound and my boat became littered with 100 yards of crusty old mono from the top of the spool. Once I get you there you need to be able to pull the trigger! Plus, I am very careful moving the boat as I am not sure if the balance issue has been resolved. My tackle survived another trip and except for the trip to the physical therapist all is well. I may be able to cast by Tuesday. Have a good weekend.

An evening on the water

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2010 9:29 pm
by jmukes13
I'm pretty sure that scale ain't the only thing adding like Obama's press secretary. Every time I hear this story Longcast takes over more and more of the lake! >/smile.gif" alt="smile" title="smile" height="15" width="15" />

Have a good weekend!

An evening on the water

Posted: Sat Jul 10, 2010 1:02 am
by JLBait
How long have you two been married?

An evening on the water

Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 2:28 pm
by brendanc
I'm glad you said it JLbait... now I don't have to! I love that scenery pic!