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Geobass Returns to Lagoon: 5.5.11

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 8:07 pm
by George Cawthorn
Well guys this is a long overdue report I must admit but so many things have been going on in my life I have not been out to the Lagoon since August 2010. That is the longest layoff I have had since I started fishing the Lagoon eight years ago.

Also this week my oldest daughter Genevieve graduated from Mt. Saint Marys college with a Bachelors degree in Political Science. With high honors. She will be continuing her studies for a degree in law at University of Iowa in the fall. We are all very proud of her and her outstanding academic achievements

Genevieve has previously appeared on the site in a few of my fishing reports when she used to go to the Lagoon with me.

Anyway I got back up to the Lagoon for half a day of fishing last Thursday. When I arrived it was bright and clear. Water level was high and going over the spill way at the south end. As you can see in this pic the water was also gin clear. Conditions were calm, water temp was surprisingly cold for this time of year 60. Air temp was 72.

I have not yet purchased a yearly pass for this year and walked in from the firehouse. Crossing the bridge I did not see any fish cruising around the rocks in the shallow water. Usually at this time of year I would expect to see several.

When I got down to the shoreline it was me and only two others that I could see. I first got a bite on the Ika but was unable to get a hookset on that one.

Also got a nibble on a dropshot prisim shad but no good bite. After about two hours with no connect I noticed some fish swimming around a rock about forty feet to my left. One reason I could see them well is because I finally got a pair of wrap around prescription sun glasses. (Bifocals of course!!!!)

While sight fishing these fish I had made several passes with small dropshot worms and been nibbled on but no bite. I was thinking "What can I do to get them really mad when I go through their space" and it came to me that another fish would probably do that.

I rigged up a BPS minow with the hook exposed on the top jig style and sent it out just past their hiding place.

Slowly bringing it back in I could see when the lure was sitting on the top of the rock. It's gonna happen as soon as I pull it forward one more time and it drops slowly smack dab in the middle of their living room.

One more gentle tug and that was it. Whammmmmmmmm that got this little fellas attention. Hit it pretty hard and put up a good fight for his small size. Just a tad uner 1.5 lbs.

I release this guy of course but had a little trouble betting him unbuttoned. He had sucked the lure pretty deep into his mouth and I had to struggle to get the hook out without hurting him. Well I finally did and after sloshing him around in the water for a while to get the water flowing over his gill, he perked up and swam away unharmed.

That was it for me. Only caught one but after being away for such a long time it didn't matter much to me about the size. I did see one other guy nail a three pounder down in the corner by the launch ramp. He said he got it on a small plastic worm.

It had been gone for so long I was wondering if I may not have lost my touch. Just not getting zeroed today was more than enough for me. It felt really good to be back after all this time. I learned my lesson. Nine months is way to long not to go fishing. I will try my best not to let that happen again.

Geobass Returns to Lagoon: 5.5.11

Posted: Wed May 11, 2011 10:24 pm
by Fire Ball
Good to see you are back Geo!

Geobass Returns to Lagoon: 5.5.11

Posted: Thu May 12, 2011 8:10 pm
by wgbassgirl
Hey Geo...welcome back. I do hope all is well over there. Big Congrats to your daughter. That's great.

Geobass Returns to Lagoon: 5.5.11

Posted: Sun May 15, 2011 2:42 am
by ukey28
Congratulations on your daughters graduation!! Job well done! Good to see you out in the bright light again Geo, we missed you! Hoping all else is well.

Geobass Returns to Lagoon: 5.5.11

Posted: Mon May 16, 2011 12:40 am
by brendanc
great to have you back on the site and congratulations on your daughter graduating .

Geobass Returns to Lagoon: 5.5.11

Posted: Tue May 17, 2011 1:35 am
by George Cawthorn
Thanks guys for all the welcome backs and congrats for my daughter. I really missed participating very much. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do though.

I'm planning on making another trip to the Lagoon on Thursday 5/19 and I will be fishing on the south end shoreline from early as possible into early afternoon. Anyone around feel free to stop and say hello.

My goal this year from now till the end of November is to make an attack at Castaic at least once a weak for half a day and catch a FIFTEEN POUNDER this year of course. LOL

I am very grateful for all the support I received from the BUSA gang during my times of trouble.

Weather permitting I will be making another report about my upcoming Thursday outing ASAP.