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Were you out on the water this weekend?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:52 pm
by wgbassgirl
Who went out this weekend fishing? There's been some crazy weather, I know some people feel that is the best time go out.

I was out salt water fishing on Friday. Weren't out there too long, not much success. A friend caught a large striped bass.

If you were out on the water this weekend, tell us where and what you caught. If you go pics load up so we can see.

Were you out on the water this weekend?

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 3:02 am
by ukey28
I was with the family in the Catskill Mountains this weekend. We went to a 70th anniversary party! I have trouble imagining living that long much less being married that long! Down the street from where we stayed a brook went under the street and the culvert formed two small pools. We saw some fish in one of them and decided to give it a shot. We caught some grasshopper and put one under a bobber. My son caught his first Brook Trout about 9 inches long. It was a fun time. we never thought that we would even find time to fish with all of the things we had to do, so it was rather special. I like when we travel and the kids just have their little ultralight outfits with them. Always find a little pool to catch something out of!

Were you out on the water this weekend?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 2:13 am
by brendanc
I'll be spending the next week on Lake George... tomorrow morning will be my first fishing trip on the lake. Boat is in the water, tied to the dock waiting for me... First light can't get he fast enough... too tired to go night fishing, or I'd already be out there.

Were you out on the water this weekend?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2012 1:20 am
by allenray
I went out to the local lake to put my new boat to the test and make sure I haven't missed anything. Caught a few keepers but that wasn't the whole reason for the trip. I wanted to fish sections of the lake I've never been to. Since most of the time I'm fishing from the back and end up going to the areas the boater wants to fish. In two hours I boated 10 bass with 4 keepers. Can't wait till the next tournament!