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Oscawana- Still going.......

Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2001 3:14 am
by JoeM
Perry's Boats. Every time I go there I expect someone to say "Sorry, we're closed"
But, it hasn't happened. Thank goodness!
This lake provides local Clubs with a good size lake that still contains decent-sized bass and enough of them to make for really good competition.
What should the Club Angler look for when either pre-fishing or actually competing at this body of water? JoeM

Oscawana- Still going.......

Posted: Tue Aug 14, 2001 4:08 am
by brendanc

Oscawana is one of those lakes where you can catch 100 bass in a day, and they are almost all 13". The guys I know who do well there, are the ones who spend their practice and tournament time locating bigger fish (2 - 3lbs). My main suggestion would be to immidiately change you mindset when you get there. Don't go out and expect to catch a lot of fish. Set out to get 5 good bites. I always start by upsizing my bait and moving away from the areas where have have often caught the smaller bass. Spend more time searching the deep water with weeds and rock mix. Almost every big or bigger fish I have caught has come from these types of areas. I'm not saying you won't catch a big fish in other places, but the bigger ones in deep water usually come in numbers.

Kepp a bouy marker handy when you're fishing off shore and kick it over the side the instant you feel a good fish coming to the boat. Than just circle that marker bouy and increase the radious with every pass you make. Remember, that even though a school of bass may number in the hundreds, they sometimes are only keying in on an object of peice of structure that could be the size of your boat or even smaller. Good luck on your next trip and say helo to Perry for me!


Oscawana- Still going.......

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2001 1:44 am
by JoeM
BC- I will be pre-fishing with a couple of good friends. I thank you for your insight that we look to areas that might have a little larger sized bass around deeper weed/rock combinations.
One of our prior T-Directors (who has since moved away) used to adopt this approach. Sometimes he didn't do well; but when he did, the average size was not a squeaker!
Guys like Dan, Wally, Eric and others regularly come up with Kicker Fish from those offbeat spots.
Again, thanks for sharing. JoeM
PS- We'll mention your name to Perry (We'll tell him that you will pay our launch fee)

Oscawana- Still going.......

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2001 12:08 am
by JoeM
There is a story out there that says Perry's will be sold on or about Sept. 1st. Part of the story says it will remain open as a launch area by the new owner. Watch BassinUSA and we should have some news soon.

Oscawana- Still going.......

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2001 4:11 pm
by d.mcgarry
Joe,over the years I have seen lakes cycle and I am hoping Oscawana comes back. I have cuaght a few good fish over the years and remember being Wally's net man when he came in with over 18 pounds, I also remeber losing lunker with a 5pound fish to Phil Uruburu (rumor has it he will return next year) who had a 7 pounder. All of these stringers were caught prior to the late 90's. I did however remeber Dan Mongo and Steve Pace bringing in some quality stringers fishing deeper than most of us "Islanders" are comortable and two years ago (I did not fish there last year) I was very frustrated after another day of 30 rats and not one fish over 14" that after the tournament rather than sitting and lamenting another average performance started fishing water deeper than 20' with a tube and began catching two to four pound fish along with the rats. I am looking forward to this year on the lake and will use Rich Zaleski's advice be happy getting bit less often but improve with quality fish!!! Good Fishing Dan