Why are you........

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Why are you........

Post by JoeMo »

....competing in tournaments?
What is your motivation for waking up when only milkmen and drunks are on the road?
....driving 2-3 hours (maybe more) to a strange lake which might even become stranger before this T is over?
....racing to the other end of the lake?
....eating greasy food and drinking soda pop?

Seriously, why do you do it?
Is it because the lake is there, like Mt. Everest?
Is it because your buddy does it and you enjoy his company?
Is it because you want to be the best that you can be. (and you can't hit a curve)?

Let's hear it. This isn't meant to be humorous, although you are welcome to humor us if that is your writing style.

And for the 40th time, let's hear from you guys out there who jump on the site, check out the boards and run away.

You are missing the real thing here. Watch us change and grow. Drop in and contribute your ideas because this Board/ this Website needs your input.

Thanks from all of us at BassinUSA. We'll keep a light on for you! Tell 'em JoeMo sent you.
Good Fishing,
JoeMo - Bassin' USA Message Board Moderator
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Why are you........

Post by ED F. »

That is a very good question Joe, and a question that I am asked constantly by family, freinds, and anyone I attempt to explain the great sport of bass fishing to!

Tournament bass fishing is really hard for me to explain to people. During my explanation I want them so badly to feel the exhilaration, and the adrenaline rush, but it's simply impossible! It's one of those things you just have to experience for yourself to feel its full effect!

The reasons I give are:

1)To see a side of nature that most are always alseep for.

2)To spend every day in a preparation and anticipation mode.

3)For the comaraderie of good people with similar interests.

4)For the thrill of competing not only agaisnt others, but against nature, the elements, and the fish.

5)For the excitemnt of collecting and upgrading equipment to ultimately gain an edge over the opposition.

6)For the constant, never-ending, wave of knowledge which is present in this sport.

7)For the challenge of becoming the first to perfect a sport which is sometimes unpredictable, and impossible to calculate all of the time.

8)The overwhelming obsession of "the hunt".

9)The unknown mystery of what awaits.

10)And finally, the thrill of fishing a new body of water for the first time can be compared to a skier, skiing on virgin snow.
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Why are you........

Post by britchie »

Well Ed, I couldn't of summed it up any better myself. Great job!!
Brian Ritchie : Bassin' USA Prostaff : Kentucky
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Why are you........

Post by JoeMo »

I agree with you, Brian. Ed, that is the best description of why that I have ever read or heard. In my mind there is no way you can get through any week without your angling habit exhibiting itself.

Grits Gresham, one of the pioneer bass writers talks about how his wife used to make certain comments when she sensed that Grits was in another world- that of bass fishing. She would say something like "a purple worm in the tree tops should work." I think that may also apply to you, Ed.

And here I thought I was the only one with this affliction. lol

Anyone else? JoeMo
Good Fishing,
JoeMo - Bassin' USA Message Board Moderator
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Why are you........

Post by YAR »

to get away from my wife(lol).just joking!
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Why are you........

Post by mofish »

I dont think that I could have summed it better either, I will give you a few more.

As i stated earlier in a post. My wife and I fish a Couples Tournament and seeing her catch fish and the look in her eyes in the early morning light on the water (although sometime the look is not all that admiring of me for getting her up so early) is somthing to behold.

To be able to watch the world come to life in the early morning hours. To be one with the rod and reel and the antisipation of the strike keeping you on your toes all the time.

The smell of gas and two cycle oil burning in the morning before take off. To hear you number being called out and then the blast off headed down the lake with the birds and the cool morning breeze and the sweet smell of the lake in your nose at 65 mph. WHAT A RUSH. Sitting here typing I can feel and smell it now!!!

Throwing that topwater bait in the early light and the feeling that every muscle in your body is ready to spring into action as there is a blast and spray of water as the plug disapears into the mouth of the chosen one.
To feel the line tighten as you begain to reel in a desperate attempt to keep up with the big one as he charges the boat. Trying to tell yourself to breath as you lower the keeper into the livewell. Then sit in the seat trying to catch your breath once you remeber how to breath. The ice is broken and now you can start over and wait for the next one to strike.

Come on what else could be better than that.

Walking across the stage with a bag of fish knowing you just done battle with something that hides below the water surface and on somedays makes you look like you don't have a clue why you are even part of this world.
They call out the wieght and then you wait with the attisipation of a check. The long ride home reliving every little part of the day on the one that got away or why she didnt bite that day. Then you lay your head down that night and the dreams come. YOU standing on the stage with the trophy above your head, 1,000's of screaming bass fishing fans screaming your name WHISHING THEY COULD BE LIKE YOU.

Conley Staley
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Why are you........

Post by ED F. »

Thank you everyone!

Keep adding if you feel I left something out!
Posts: 416
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Why are you........

Post by JoeMo »

Ed- I like Conley's answer when someone would ask him why he tournament fishes. He says
"Why wouldn't you?"

The perfect comeback!

Keep 'em coming.
Thanks for all the great posts.
Good Fishing,
JoeMo - Bassin' USA Message Board Moderator
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Why are you........

Post by paridiseblue »

simple, the tournements are the easiest way for a person to go from a mediocire fisherman to a force to be recon with. i have fished with a local club for 6 years now. next year i plan to step it up to the next level and try to learn some more. before fishing on the club level i knew nothing, now i can usually allways fool at least 1 bass no matter the conditions.
Posts: 416
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Why are you........

Post by JoeMo »

PB- Good Luck in making the next T-Step.
I'm sure you will do well. Be prepared to set your sites on catching 5 bass or whatever the T limit is. As you move up, you will find that most of the guys bring in limits. The winner brings in good Kicker Bass along with his limit.

Go get them! JoeMo
Good Fishing,
JoeMo - Bassin' USA Message Board Moderator
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