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Latest Bassmaster magazine

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 1:49 am
by JoeMo
Did you read Don Wirth's article about tactics for high-pressure lakes?

He described his making 3 pitches to a laydown in one tournament and leaving it. His partner (a fella named Brauer) made 37 pitches to the same tree and caught a three lb. bass on the 38th.

Then he described another tournament where a guy borrowed a 1-Minus crankbait from him. He said he broke off a big fish on his only lure like it. Next morning- same spot, he caught an 8-14 with a 1-Minus stuck in the side of his head.

His purpose in telling us these things is to
show us that we should never give up on a fish. He says they will surprise you.

Do any of you guys have similar stories from your experience in any tournaments? Pro, semi-Pro or Club?

Let's hear from you. JoeMo

Latest Bassmaster magazine

Posted: Fri Aug 30, 2002 6:11 am
by MMT
Joe, I have a fond memory of something that happened to me at my aunts cabin upstate two summers ago. My brother in law and I had the private lake all to ourselves. We made a bet that the guy who caught the biggest fish wouldn't have to drag the boat up on shore for the night...the loser would do the chores. My brother in law had a solid 5lber in the livewell and it was getting late. I skipped a tube real gently under the dock and let it settle. I noticed that there was a ripple or two too many and figure a bass grabbed the tube, I set and hooked into a horse which promptly wrapped me up on a dock support and broke off. I thought the fish was bigger than 5. About 45 minutes later I basically repeated the same senario on the same dock with the same color tube......likely the same bass I thought. I had now dropped a giant fish twice in about 45 minutes. In desparation, I came back to the dock an hour later and skipped yet another tube. This time I didn't feel the strike but noticed my line twitch. I swung on it and again I hooked into something big. I horsed the fish beyond the dock anf finally landed a 7-6....thus I didn't have to clean uo the boat that evening but the funny thing was that the fish had my two original tube hooks in its mouth. Strange but true!! You would figure that once the fish felt steel, it would be inclined not to bite again for a while.

Latest Bassmaster magazine

Posted: Sat Aug 31, 2002 3:22 am
by JoeMo
MMT- Now that is a good story. I like to hear about persistance working out in the end.
And you had your baits in his maw to prove that it was the same monster.

I'll bet your B-I-L was out of joint over that fish. I've done it many times, but never with a big fish.

Thanks. Good post. JoeMo