This subject is one that is close to my heart. Whenever I travel around the country or around Long Island, I am amazed by the plethora of beauty and wildlife.
Try to imagine the world without trees, flowers or birds. How would you describe that world to someone who has never seen it? Now try to envision a large lake without aquatic life or a stream without fish. Difficult isn’t it? Well, that could be the future for our children and great-grandchildren if WE don’t clean up our act right now.
Simply stated, when outdoors pick up your trash and take it home or use the garbage containers provided. Sadly, on Long Island, this practice is consistently ignored. For example, look at Twin Lakes in Wantagh or McDonalds Pond in Rockville Centre. These are pristine fishing locations for bass, carp, pickerel, bluegill, crappie and more. Yet the individuals using these areas leave literally tons of garbage. I often find miles of fishing line, empty bait containers, cigarette packets and butts, beer or soda bottles and cans. In addition, broken lures and floats lay strewn over the pathways. Where did we go wrong that we allow this kind of practice to go unchecked?
Each time I fish at Twin Ponds I take a garbage bag and fill it with discarded items. The conservation park authorities and DEC representatives must begin to check these areas on a regular basis. Violators must be fined, their tackle and equipment confiscated, and fishing licenses revoked. For those having no license, the penalty should not only involve fines but also community service to clean up the areas they fished illegally.
If you feel as strongly as I do, contact your local DEC office or local government representative and tell them you want some action to protect the fishing and hunting rights for the good people of Long Island. As taxpayers, we deserve a higher standard of fishing and hunting locations.
Additionally, you are exposing your child or grandchild to injury because of someone else’s inability to appreciate their God-given surroundings. Teach your children now or there will be nothing for them to show their children except pictures!