If you never tried or have had little success using crankbait to catch bass, walleye or any of the pike family; read on, I may convince you to give it a try...
To begin, let’s focus on bass, the largest member of the sunfish family. During certain times of day, bass like to move into deeper water.
Having the right fishing tackle can make all the difference when bass fishing. Before you head out on the water, be sure to read our bass fishing tackle articles. Our team will share the many years of knowledge and experience they have using latest fishing tackle.
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My first introduction to lipless crankbaits, was when I won twenty of them in a raffle on Lake Cayuga in upstate New York.
The following week, I tried in vain to catch fish with this noisy, skinny looking object. What I did catch was wood, weeds and rocks.
When I saw my first spinnerbait, I found myself asking, "what kind of fish would be stupid enough to strike at a lure like this?" It did not take too long for me to find out! The next day I caught a largemouth bass around 2 pounds and was hooked on the concept. Spinnerbaits come in many forms.
The other day while I was putting away tackle, I came across boxes full of lures and baits. They had been used once or twice and retired to "this lure has no purpose" status. I began to wonder how did I come to own these "losers" of the fishing lure world. It didn't take long to realize,
For those of you who suddenly feel as though you've come under a full-on advertising assault of the senses, regarding whether braided style or monofilament line is the right choice, you need not feel alone. I empathize!